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Our Backers

This project would not be possible without the vital assistance of our financial supporters and collaborators who help to make it happen.

If you would like to contribute to We Are All Derbyshire to help with costs such as framing, materials, and artist's time, please get in touch.

Our Financial Supporters

For helping to meet project costs including running this website, purchasing art materials, and framing the works, we are forever grateful to the following:

The Oppenheim-John Downes Memorial Trust

Without the financial grant from this charity, We Are All Derbyshire would never have been able to turn from an artist's idea to celebrate the people in her county into a project actually doing that. Their grant was awarded right at the start in 2023.

Portrait Sponsors

Anyone who sponsors an individual portrait will be thanked here.

Kickstarter Backers

Kickstarter backers choosing one of the limited options will be thanked here, in addition to a general thanks to all Kickstarter backers.

Other Backers

Any other backers will be thanked here. 

Our Collaborators

We Are All Derbyshire could not have been a success without the organisations who hosted community engagement events and the professionals who gave their valued advice. For their time, patience, and input we will be forever grateful:

Derbyshire Libraries

Derbyshire Libraries are hosting seven community engagement events in August 2024. Their staff have been instrumental in this project, and the local knowledge has been invaluable, helping to ensure many different communities have the chance to be a part of this county-wide celebration of the people.

Community Groups

Across the county, community groups welcome our artist to hear about the project, share their stories, and nominate sitters. They play such an important role in their communities, helping to bring people together and provide opportunities. Our thanks to the National Women's Register (Bakewell Branch), High Peak Access...


Everyone who helps in a voluntary capacity is embodying the very essence of We Are All Derbyshire,  helping others and doing those small things which make a big difference. Whether assisting our disabled artist with transporting portraits and setting up displays, or anything else along the way, we salute them.


Many professionals have given their valued input at various stages of the project, helping to ensure it came to fruition. From project consultancy to graphic design tips, framing advice, and venue suitability.

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